The RC Geek Blog

By: Chris Wolfe

Tale of the Brand New RUNWAY!

I have always loved going to the Scale Squadron's Warbirds & Classics event. Hosted at the OCMA field, it's such a good time flying at a really picturesque location to fly. I was on vacation for last year's event and wasn't able to make it, so I was excited to get back out there again this year. The big news was that a newly paved runway had been installed just in time for the event!  Fresh pavement and fresh paint, it was a glorious site to behold. There had also been some recent rains which meant that the surrounding greenery was actually green! (as opposed to the typical SoCal brown that we get…)

Through the weekend, the weather couldn't have been much better with cool overcast mornings followed by warm and slightly breezy sunny afternoons. As a result there was endless flying from sun up to sun down for those in attendance. It truly doesn't get much better than that and the new runway was just the icing on the cake! In terms of airplanes at the event, there was a great assortment out there, but interestingly there didn't seem to be as many of the heavy iron warbirds that have been out there in years past. No matter though as there were still some really unique airplanes being flown which is the beauty of an event like this. So, here's a collection of pictures from the event. I had a little help this year as my friend Corsair Nut was there and we were able to team up taking pictures and video concurrently through the weekend.

Though, I can't say I had anything new and exciting to fly for the event this year, I brought along my trusty Jet Hangar A-7 Corsair IIFreewing F-4 Phantom, and E-Flite F-16. I had just recently installed an 8s JetFan90 setup into the F-4 Phantom, so I was eager to see what it could do! I think through the course of 2 days I flew out there, I got in about 20 flights across the three airplanes with most of the flights on the A-7 and F-4. I suppose you could say, I was making up for lost time as my flying schedule has been rather spotty this year. ;)


I generally try to get as much video as I can at an event as I love to feature the creativity of so many scale modelers. We are a unique breed as you've probably noticed. So, here's selection of some of the videos I've posted so far. I'll be adding more on my YouTube channel as I edit the footage over the next few weeks.


Giant Scale B-17 Flying Fortress -- This massive B-17G Flying Fortress from Jamie Fifles was 1/9 scale which gives it a 140" wingspan. It was scratch-built from Don Smith plans from balsa and ply wood and is powered by 4x E-flite 160 motors on 10 cells swinging 16x10 master airscrew props. The model was painted in the 909 livery, which holds the WW2 record of 140 missions with no casualties and 126 missions with no aborts. The replica is now flown by the Collins Foundation in FL.

Giant Scale FW-190A -- This was one of the largest model at the event and it was beautifully built! Built and flown by Brian Young, the model is 1/3.7 scale (113" span) and scratch built from Roy Vaillancourt plans from balsa and plywood (weighs 70 lb). Power is supplied by a DA 170 swinging a 31x11 falcon prop. The finish on it was fantastic and the weathering was spot on for a butcher bird. It was such a cool model!

Scratch-Built F4D-1 Skyray 80mm EDF -- A while back my friend Corsair Nut and I started scratch building a pair of 80mm EDF F4D Skyrays (to be fair, it was mostly CN doing the building based on my work schedule, but I did contribute a little ;) ). Well, his Skyray is done and he brought it out to the event and it looks amazing! He scratch-built the airplane from depron foam with ply for some of the structural elements and I designed up some 3D Printed intake ducting and a nose cone as well. The fan is the Freewing 9-blade EDF with centerburner for the simulated afterburner. :) I will hopefully have mine done later this year I hope!

1/5 Scale Mitsubishi J2M Raiden -- Brian Young is a pretty prolific builder and this J2M Raiden was the other model that he brought out the event. Built from a balsa and ply kit designed by John Reno it has an 85 '' inch wing span and is powered by a DA 85 swinging a 24 x 12 prop. The Raiden is a WWII design I've always thought was cool and is something you rarely see at the field! This one flew great!

The RC Geek Blog is your place to learn about all aspects of the RC hobby. Learn to build, design, drive or fly that RC project you’ve always wanted to build, but have been intimidated to try. This blog is here to help you on your journey and provide tips and tricks as you go! My hope is to inspire builders both experienced and new! So, welcome, please look around, it’s an exciting beginning!  I’m currently documenting my latest competition scale RC jet build, a Mark Frankel F4D Skyray, along with some other fun tips and videos. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on this front page, click on any of the categories to the right and it will show just posts related to those categories. Please feel free to add comments and/or contact me directly if you have questions, I’m here to help! And don’t forget to check out my YouTube Channel, I post new videos every week!

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The B-58 Hustler Saga - From Triumph to Tragedy
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Preparing for Battle: The ULTIMATE Guide to Scale Documentation Maybe you've heard about RC Scale Aircraft competitions, but the thought it sounded intimidating, or the process of it all seemed daunting and discouraging. Well, fear not! I am here to encourage you and dispel any myths you may have heard if any. Scale competition is a fun and challenging segment of the hobby that will undoubtedly make you a better pilot! So, in light of this, I've started a new "Preparing for Battle" live series and in my first episode, "Preparing for Battle: The ULTIMATE Guide to Scale Documentation," we talk about the AMA Scale Nats with special guest Joe Vermilion from Balsa USA and peel back the layers of scale competition and provide information on what it's all about! As an experienced RC Scale Aircraft competitor and two time US Scale Masters National Champion, my hope is to share whatever knowledge and practical advice I can for newcomers and seasoned competitors alike.
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Are You Ready to Take Your RC Flying to the Next Level?? Then you’re in luck, because we’re giving away an FMS 1400mm F4U Corsair and an FMS 1100mm PC-21 ! But first, let's address the elephant in the's been quite a while since my last blog post. With the move to TN and everything going on trying to get The RC Geek up and running full time, it's been difficult to sit down and set aside time to write. My goal is to change that going forward, so here's hoping! (check the vid below for even more details about everything mentioned here!)
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Flight of the Flir Cat…The Sequel!! I tell you what, it has been quite the journey getting here! As a project, this Freewing F-14 Tomcat refinish took much longer than I had originally planned based on all of the other distractions that have come through the shop, but I'm so happy with how this model turned out in the end. It did take a few flights to get tuned and I have made a few small modifications in the process since our last installment, but otherwise I'm happy to report that the Tomcat is flying quite well. The F-14 Tomcat has such a great look and presence in the air, you just can't beat it!
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10 channels of power…and 1 receiver to rule them all! I personally love having the option for more channels, especially when building my own scale aircraft. While not always necessary, having channel options available is almost always helpful and it opens up opportunities to add scale functions and/or customize the controls more to your liking. And that's not to mention having individual servo setup across the same functions. So, I was excited to finally see the AR103060T and AR10100T 10 channel receivers released from Spektrum. It opens of channel options in a lighter weight package while also supports all of their new technology. Having been flying the NX10 for some time it is nice to finally be able to utilize all of those 10 radio channels.
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Good times and Warbird Flying are back! Needless to say, the last year and a half plus has been hard on all of us. With so many of our normal routines and activities disrupted, it has only brought that many more challenges it seems. This hobby is not just about the airplanes and flying, it is about the friends and comradery that can be enjoyed together with others as well. So, when the Scale Squadron's Warbirds & Classics came up again this year after being cancelled in 2020, I was beyond excited to go; it had been almost 2 years since the last event I went to!
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Refinish a Foam Jet Ep 4 – Freewing F-14 Tomcat Low-Viz Navy Weathering How low can you go?…a little low-viz Tomcat weathering. Finishing up the refinish work on the Freewing F-14 Tomcat, it’s time to apply some characteristic low-viz Navy weathering. The Flir Cat paint scheme is from the mid 90’s at a time when the Tomcats in service were painted primarily in Dark Ghost Grey (FS36320) with variations thereof. They were high maintenance workhorses at this time and the aircraft got extremely dirty during operation. This opens up lots of opportunities to apply different weathering techniques on the airplane to simulate those years of service on the carrier.
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Refinish a Foam Jet Ep 3 – Freewing F-14 Tomcat Paint, Markings, & Panel Lines
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Refinish A Foam Jet Ep 2 - Freewing F-14 Tomcat Cockpit 3D Printing, Painting and Moving Pilots
By Chris September 27, 2021
Fill…sand…poly…sand…primer…sand…aaaannnnddd repeat… You've probably figured out by now, I have many favorite aircraft. ;) However, if I was to put together my top 5 favorite aircraft of all time, the F-14 Tomcat would probably be at or near the top of that list. The airplane was one of brute force, but packaged in an elegant and distinct looking airframe that truly personified its name, Tomcat. And that's not to mention, it was an extremely capable fighter that filled many roles through the years that operated from the early/mid 70's into the mid 2000s.
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